2024-25 Results

Cross Tables

Winter Swiss
(5 Rounds: Feb. 13 to March 13, 2025)

FIDE Rated Section (round 1 results)
Over 1600 (round 1 results)
Under 1600 (round 1 results)
Under 1400 Junior (round 1 results)

Jack Frost Swiss
(7 Rounds: Dec. 12, 2024 to Feb. 6, 2025)

Over 1400 (final results)
Under 1400 (final results)
Under 1200 Junior (final results)

Falling Leaves Swiss
(6 Rounds: Oct. 31 to Dec. 5, 2024)

Over 1400 (final results)
Under 1400 (final results)
Under 1200 Junior (final results)

Howard Ridout Memorial Swiss
(6 Rounds: Sept. 12 to Oct. 24, 2024)

Over 1600 (final results)
Under 1600 (final results)
Under 1200 Junior (final results)



Tie Break Formulas

Swiss Tournaments

It is not unusual for Swiss tournaments to end up with several players tied with the same number of points.  To establish a finish order, the following tie-break formulas are applied in order:

  1. Direct encounter
  2. Number of wins with black
  3. Buchholz cut 1

There is no perfect tie-break system; each has its faults. The tie-break systems used by the SCC are the ones commonly recommended by chess federations around the world.  Here is a brief description of each of the tie-break criteria:

Direct encounter

If any players are still tied at this point, and all tied players have played against each other in the tournament, then the player with the most points out of those games is the winner. If the tied players have not all played each other, or there is a tie for points within those games, then it is still a tie.

Number of wins with black

The player with the highest number of wins with the black pieces breaks the tie.

Buchholz cut 1

Your Buchholz score is calculated by adding together the tournament scores of each player you played against, except the one with the lowest score (this is the 'cut 1'). The final number is your Buchholz tie-break score.

Round Robin Tournaments

Ties in Round Robin tournaments (like our club championship) are resolved using the Sonneborn-Berger system.  For each player in the tie, add the final scores of all the opponents the player defeated and half the final scores of all the opponents with whom the player drew. If a tie remains after applying the Sonneborn-Berger test, we look at the number of won games and finally the result of direct encounters.