
Club Executive

The Scarborough Chess Club (SCC) is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization governed by an Executive Committee consisting of six members elected for one-year terms. The Executive Committee is elected at the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) that is typically held on the first Thursday of September.

All club members in good standing are eligible to vote and to stand for office (all Executive Committee positions are one-year terms).

Current Executive

President:  Omar Shah  

Vice President:  Maurice Smith  

Treasurer:  vacant

Secretary:  Guy Hulbert

Officer-At-Large: Luc Chamberland

Tournament Director:  Omar Shah  


In addition to abiding by the laws of chess as prescribed by FIDE and the Chess Federation of Canada, the Scarborough Chess Club operates under a constitution approved by the club membership.  The club constitution was last updated in September of 2023.  The full text of the SCC constitution can be found here.